港谷科技-Array-Citrix-XUnit-WatchGuard        咨询热线:0755-88878587135 3003 6063


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    WatchGuard Firebox M300 with 3-yr Basic Security Suite

    • 型号WatchGuard Firebox M300 with 3-yr Basic Security Suite
    • 品牌WatchGuard

    WatchGuard Firebox M300 with 3-yr Total Security Suite,WatchGuard Firebox M300 with 1-yr Total Security Suite,WatchGuard Firebox M300 with 3-yr Basic Security Suite,WatchGuard Firebox M300 with 1-yr Basic Security Suite,WatchGuard Firebox M300 and 3-yr Standard Support,WatchGuard Firebox M300 and 1-yr Standard Support

    1. 详细信息


    4.0 Gbps 防火墙吞吐量, 2.0 Gbps VPN吞吐量, 800 Mbps UTM吞吐量吞吐量; 8 Gb 以太网接口, 1 串口, 2 USB; 75 BOVPN隧道, 100 移动 VPN吞吐量 IPSec, 150 SSL; 3,300,000最大并发连接。


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    标签:   M300 Firebox WatchGuard
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